The Blue-Collar Diet

Friday, July 15, 2005

Friday Button-Up

We worked a half day today after not having one for two weeks on account of the Independence Day Holiday. It was nice getting to leave just before the afternoon sun set in.

We started off the morning cleaning up the site so that the owners have something nice to look at over the weekend. Our dumpster was gone all week, so we had accumulated a lot of debris.

The FNG and I spent a little over two hours getting everything from our various trash piles out to the dumpster on the street. After we were done, we were shocked to look at the time. The day was already almost halfway over.

We spent the remainder of the afternoon finishing up the sheeting on the driveway so that the owners would have a clear, safe path to the road. Our half day was over quickly and we went home ready to enjoy a free afternoon. I finished the day out at 173 pounds.


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