The Blue-Collar Diet

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Good Job Guys

We began the day with our weekly safety meeting. Hefé insists that we go home every day with 10 & 2, ten fingers and two eyes.

Hefé does a good job of scheduling useful meetings to make sure we know not to take stupid risks and such, but I think some of his insistence on having documented, scheduled safety meetings has to do with negotiating lower workman’s comp insurance; it’s just a guess. Who can blame him though? Workman’s comp insurance is a huge cost for contractors, so if he can get lower rates by having a meeting every week, more power to him, plus it makes me feel like I’m helping stick it to the man by participating.

After the meeting, three of us went back to our site to work on hanging some more doubled up 2x12 joists. We had one guy cutting and two guys setting them. Needless to say we were able to get a ton of work done once we had our system down.

We are running the joists 12 inches on center, and as previously discussed, nearly every joist in the structure is running between walls that are not parallel. Hence, every run must be measured and cut individually. Couple the complexity of the layout with the multitude of steel hangers to be installed at every wooden intersection, and you can see how we had our work cut out for us.

Somehow things clicked today and we just dominated. We made a huge amount of progress and the day just flew by. Hefé came by in the afternoon and said, “Good Job Guys.” We went home feeling good about the amount of work we had managed to accomplish, but worn out nonetheless. I weighed in at 175 pounds.


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