The Blue-Collar Diet

Friday, July 01, 2005

Woody the Woodpecker

At the end of the day yesterday, we were given the palm-nailers that had been at the other job site the last couple of weeks. One of my coworkers called the tool, Woody the Woodpecker.

If you haven’t used a palm nailer, (I never had until today) it is a small device about the size of a baseball. It plugs into an air compressor hose, and one end had a metal cylinder sticking out that looks similar to a socket.

The metal cylinder is magnetic so that it will hold a nail. After putting a nail into the cylinder with the point sticking out, you hold it in your palm and press it against whatever you want nailed.

The palm nailer beats the nail into the wall or whatever else it is being used on, very quickly, but also very loudly. I think it sounds like a woodpecker on some serious steroids.

The woodpecker as we now call it, is an awesome tool. It has all the elements; it’s loud, it’s dangerous, it vibrates the crap out of your hand, and it drives a 16 penny nail in like a half a second for Christ’s sake.

We made some strong progress on our joists and had some time left over at the end of the day to build a temporary walkway for the homeowners. Unfortunately for them, they are living in the property while all this loud construction is going on. I finished the week out at 176 pounds.


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