I’m Going to Work Somewhere Else
Our boss came to the site after lunch to oversee the final squaring of the beam structure we set earlier this week. The driveway structure sits square with the road, but is built to tie into an existing garage underneath that is placed at an angle to the street. Needless to say, the angles in everything are a little strange so our boss, or Hefé as we affectionately call him, wants to make sure things are set out good and square in the beginning.
In the interest of properly setting the mood, a little back story is in order. I will say upfront, that a lot of this is based on hearsay, so you have to take it with salt.
From what I understand, the foreman ordered around two thousand dollars worth of custom metal brackets to tie the structure into the footings, or tie the headers together or something along those lines. Evidently the brackets were ordered incorrectly and we can’t use them. Unfortunately for us, the brackets were a custom job so we can’t return them to the manufacturer for a refund.
So clearly Hefé, (Don’t worry, the guys tell me it means boss in Spanish), is a little perturbed at our foreman to begin with. Over the past few days, I’ve been sensing a little friction between Hefé and the foreman; could be in my mind, I don’t know. Well, as the boss and our foreman were squaring the structure, we could all tell he was getting a little annoyed.
My buddy and I decided it didn’t take five people to square things up, so we went to work moving the scaffolding from the back of the property to the front so that we could continue running cedar siding up the wall. Shortly after, the other guy on the job came around to help us, leaving Hefé and the foreman to work out the kinks of the structure.
Clearly, we all felt it was probably in our best interests to avoid the situation unfolding with the beams and such, hence the quote, “I think I’m going to try to work somewhere else for a while.”
I finished the day out at 175 pounds. Blatant corporate endorsement warning: I bought a set of Dr Scholls memory foam inserts for my boots last weekend. The inserts were labeled as work models and said, “For hard working feet.” I decided that I can qualify as hard working now and decided to treat myself. They were $13.99; you can probably buy them for like $7.99 or something if you aren’t shopping in Tahoe. They were definitely worth the money as my feet are not nearly as sore after work as before. If your feet are hurting, buy some inserts.
In the interest of properly setting the mood, a little back story is in order. I will say upfront, that a lot of this is based on hearsay, so you have to take it with salt.
From what I understand, the foreman ordered around two thousand dollars worth of custom metal brackets to tie the structure into the footings, or tie the headers together or something along those lines. Evidently the brackets were ordered incorrectly and we can’t use them. Unfortunately for us, the brackets were a custom job so we can’t return them to the manufacturer for a refund.
So clearly Hefé, (Don’t worry, the guys tell me it means boss in Spanish), is a little perturbed at our foreman to begin with. Over the past few days, I’ve been sensing a little friction between Hefé and the foreman; could be in my mind, I don’t know. Well, as the boss and our foreman were squaring the structure, we could all tell he was getting a little annoyed.
My buddy and I decided it didn’t take five people to square things up, so we went to work moving the scaffolding from the back of the property to the front so that we could continue running cedar siding up the wall. Shortly after, the other guy on the job came around to help us, leaving Hefé and the foreman to work out the kinks of the structure.
Clearly, we all felt it was probably in our best interests to avoid the situation unfolding with the beams and such, hence the quote, “I think I’m going to try to work somewhere else for a while.”
I finished the day out at 175 pounds. Blatant corporate endorsement warning: I bought a set of Dr Scholls memory foam inserts for my boots last weekend. The inserts were labeled as work models and said, “For hard working feet.” I decided that I can qualify as hard working now and decided to treat myself. They were $13.99; you can probably buy them for like $7.99 or something if you aren’t shopping in Tahoe. They were definitely worth the money as my feet are not nearly as sore after work as before. If your feet are hurting, buy some inserts.
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