The Blue-Collar Diet

Friday, June 17, 2005

Rough Week

On Wednesday of this week, I came down with a case of bronchitis. I started feeling it on Tuesday, but when I woke up Wednesday morning, I knew something was wrong.

I went into work and did my best to hang in there, but I could tell early on that I needed to get some prescription medicine. I made a doctor’s appointment and went to tell my foreman that I was going to go get myself checked out.

It was about 8:15 am when I told him, and my appointment was at 9:30 am. He acted like it was a big deal and said that in the future I need to give him more notice than that.

In my head, I was thinking, “Dude, do you want me to let you know a week ahead of time if I’m going to contract some germs and get sick?” As I struggled with a mental picture of my father telling me that there would come a point when I’d grow up and learn to watch that smart-ass mouth of mine, I decided that discretion was in my best interest and agreed with the foreman’s guidance, assuring him that I would come back to work after my appointment.

The doctor gave me the bad news that I had bronchitis and would be contagious until I was no longer running a fever, and then she gave me a prescription for some good medicine so I could begin my road to recovery.

Prior to picking up my prescription, I brought a doctor’s notice to my foreman. Normally, I wouldn’t go to that extreme, but given that this is my fourth week, I don’t want them to think I’m just lying to get out of work.

Part of my prescription included a bottle of super strength cough syrup with codine in it. Needless to say, I didn’t spend very much time awake after I went home on Wednesday.

I woke up Thursday with a temperature and was forced to call into work again, as per the doctor’s instructions, I was still contagious. After leaving my boss a voicemail, I renewed my super cough syrup dosage and headed back to bed for my codine induced day of sleep and recovery.

On Friday, I woke up without a temperature but still filling quite like crap. Despite my girlfriend’s pleadings that I take another day off, I decided to tough it out and head to work. After all, Friday is a half day for us.

I made it through. I felt bad for dogging it a bit, but I definitely looked and sounded like hell, so I’m pretty sure I got brownie points just for being there. Besides, I needed to pick up my paycheck for last week.

I finished Friday out at a very sick 176 pounds. Unfortunately, I did not get a weight reading for Wednesday or Thursday. My weight was the last thing on my mind at that point.


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